Richardson East Benchmark SOTA activation 2022-09-17

Richardson East Benchmark SOTA activation 2022-09-17

Hello friends today presenting a SOTA activation report for W6/NC-407 aka Richardson East Benchmark. Can’t say anything specific about this hump except it is a SOTA summit nearest to the Golden Gate bridge and it hosts a huge antenna farm.

Also - while I do believe losing some of your property in a smash-and-grab theft incident is a centerpiece of an authentic San Francisco experience, maybe you don’t feel like supporting someone’s drug addiction. Who knows?

Anyway if you are interested in how to enjoy the Golden Gate bridge responsibly - read on.

Round Top SOTA activation 2022-08-07

Round Top SOTA activation 2022-08-07

Hi folks, it’s time for another activation report. Wanted to do some summit with a scenic approach and somewhat interesting mountaineering wise. This is why I chose Round Top aka W6/NS-055. The mountain is located right above Carson Pass in Sierra Nevada and quite close to Kirkwood ski resort.

I can’t recall when I was in the area last time - quite possibly never as I tend to take hwy 50 or hwy 120 to eastern Sierras. Was not disappointed and probably going to visit again soon.

The area is rife with early pioneer landmarks and I feel I learned a lot about early history of California following the stories behind them.

Field day 2022 Rocky Ridge SOTA activation

Field day 2022 Rocky Ridge SOTA activation

Rocky Ridge aka W6/NC-268 is located in Las Trampas Wilderness Regional Preserve, about an hour drive from San Francisco.

Was looking for a place to activate during 2022 ARRL Field Day June 25-26 and discovered I’ve never been to this preserve yet despite the fact that Mt. Diablo and vicinity are among my favorites in the San Francisco Bay area.

On top of that there are some nice lunch / dinner places in San Ramon just 15 minutes drive from the Las Trampas parking lot.

I did Rocky Ridge view loop taking a short radial to the highest point of the ridge to set up the station and activate.

Leviathan peak SOTA activation 2022-06-18

Leviathan peak SOTA activation 2022-06-18

Leviathan peak aka W6/SN-039 is one of the most popular amongst SOTA enthusiasts (75 activations at the moment) and comparatively easily accessible eight point summits in eastern Sierra Nevada.

Wanted to do this activation a while ago - because of the majestic name and because some light offroading is involved. While appearing a mere hump from 89 the Leviathan is by no means a small mountain and provides excellent vistas - fire lookout on the top is the proof.

Tamarack mountain SOTA activation 2022-03-20

Tamarack mountain SOTA activation 2022-03-20

Hey-hey friends, welcome back. Last couple of months have been hectic - Russia as you probably know invades Ukraine and I have quite a lot of family there under russian bombs. Alfred Thayer Mahan once said “The true speed of war is not headlong precipitancy, but the unremitting energy which wastes no time.” So I am trying to do my best keeping calm, carrying on and staying frosty.

In line with staying frosty I decided to activate one the easier ten pointers in Sierra Nevada before snow melts and winter activation bonus expires in April.