
Tom, Dick and Harry Mt. SOTA activation, Field Day 2024

Tom, Dick and Harry Mt. SOTA activation, Field Day 2024

This is the Field Day time of the year and as it is customary already, I present you with a new SOTA activation report. My quest for the mountain goat brings us to Oregon, to the foothills of the Mt. Hood. Hiking to the summit of Tom, Dick, and Harry Mountain, also known as W7O/CN-032, is a nice half-day activity, and the vistas of Hood are probably the best one can get (given you chance upon a clear day) .

North Sierra Buttes SOTA activation, Field Day 2023

North Sierra Buttes SOTA activation, Field Day 2023

Hello friends, It’s Field Day time of the year, providing a good excuse to venture deeper into the Sierras. So, here’s my SOTA activation report for the North Sierra Buttes, also known as W6/NS-139.

The weather was fantastic, with clear skies in the morning and a few clouds appearing in the afternoon. Despite the end of June shaded areas in the forest still had a decent layer of snow.

I can’t say everything went according to plan, but despite some hiccups, I managed to activate the summit and gained a few valuable insights about my antenna setup along the way.

Bay Hill SOTA activation 2023-04-02

Bay Hill SOTA activation 2023-04-02

Today’s post is about Bay Hill, aka W6/NC-434 SOTA activation. I can’t say that the summit is of any particular interest to me on its own. It’s just me trying to hit two birds with one stone: I’ve never been to Bodega Bay before, and Bay Hill is the closest SOTA hump.

Briones Peak SOTA activation 2022-11-12

Briones Peak SOTA activation 2022-11-12

Welcome back folks, reporting on Briones Peak aka W6/NC-371 SOTA activation.

I hiked the loop from the western park entrance via Mott and Briones peaks.

Briones regional park is a decent sized park near Lafayette, CA. At the time of discovery by Europeans the area was inhabited by Sacklan Miwok but by the 1810s combination of ecosystem-disrupting ranching and smallpox decimated the community. The land was used for cattle grazing ever since.